Sunday, November 27, 2011

Journal Entry : A problem within

We have done it! It took some stern words and the shedding of blood, but the end result is undeniable. We have eliminated the threat of the Stag Lord and taken his keep. Now we must set about taming the rest of the green belt and establish a colony. with the fort as a strong point I believe we should build the colony around it.

This undertaking could prove more problematic than one would expect though. It seems that Thorain and Kyzziem are at odds with each other. It's a wonder that something as small as a name could cause such a division between to people. Were it simply the name of are charter I feel that things could be worked out easily enough but I can see that Thorain finds Kyzziem to be head strong an bold. Something that doesn't flatter his calm wisdom. Horrace also has no love for the Danswitch Expedition but his cold Dwarven pragmatism wont let that interfere with our goals.

Before we go any further we will have to have a sit and discuss our plans and put an end to this dissent once and for all. Together we have accomplished so much, I wont let this all fall apart over something so petty.

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