Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cleaning up

Mieszko stepped aside for a moment as the rest assessed and collected valuables from around the fort. His hands were shaking and his legs nearly gave way beneath him as the leftover adrenaline surging through his blood desperately sought escape. It was a gamble, their plan, and in the end it paid off. He wasn't proud of his last ditch threat to gain entrance inside, but somehow it had worked. The battle was something quite new for him. He had never been much of a fighter, but over the course of this last month or so spent travelling and skirmishing side by side with these men, he had begun to found his stride.
While previous engagements had left him awkwardly scrambling for victories, landing lucky blows, and falling in pits, he had felt keenly aware and focused this time around. Moments from the battle flickered in his memory, as he remembered each swing and thrust, every dodge and parry.

"Maybe I could get used to this."

With those words he steadied his hands, and returned to begin tallying up their findings.

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