Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thorain Toradur: Musings, Muses

A potion of Shield: A hard scale, a drop of quick silver and a piece of a broken arrow shaft. Grind together the ingredients using a mortar and pestel, and cook in pot until mixture begins to smoke. Add water and essence of abjuration. Cook until fumes begin to turn azure, at which time the words of shielding must be spoken, then stoke the fire and burn, boil until mixture resembles the color of the maiden star, blue and bright.

It feels as though an age has passed since I have engaged in revelry, where are the fey, dancing in the dark forests of the Narlwood? I miss their music and merriment, I miss the mirthful revelry of my kindred and the smiling twirls of elvish girls while I longed for a kiss.

Beneath the Alder trees
There begins a soft procession
Elf feet, a gentile breeze
Their caper leaves no impression.
On through the woodland path
They dance toward the fairy dell,
Beautiful voices hath
The power to make a heart swell
From joy to great sorrow
And sorrow to crimsoned love.
None think of the morrow
Nor await the white morning dove
For when the dawn arrives
All shall be gone save trees
And a lilting heart which still thrives,
Dancing among the leaves.

Magic. What a curious force. Although I use it, manipulate it to my will, so much of magic remains a mystery. The high mages of Kyonin knew so many obscure secrets that they witheld from me, but things are becoming immanently clearer. I begin to see how it can be bound to objects, and decanted in liquid form. So much of this world exists separately from magic, but now I realize, magic exists in every space of the universe if you can simply coax it to come forth and reveal it's self. I cannot put to words what I see before my eyes but it is as if I realized for the first time that the air which I breathe has substance, that the world is composed of a myriad of elements, magic being the finishing touch that brings us to life, and sadly, is capable of taking that life away. I will explain further when I have the words...

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