Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trippity tripper trap pranks.

The weather was starting to get cold and frosty, when the air grew crispy, and he could see his words in steam. The leaves turned from the color life to the color of money. They felt like they shattered when he flew through them. He loved to zip up and down between the trees this time of year. He climbed along a branch with his forelegs, holding a white sugar candy to his suckling mouth with the hind.
With a puff and a zip he put a squirrels acorn near a badger's den. A funny prank.
He put a baby bird in the nest of another mother bird. He tittered.
He lured a skunk into a sleeping bears cave, then bit it and disappeared. He loved to touch lives with loving acts of chaos. He fluttered about seeking out a new game.
A smell caught his attention as it lingered in the air. A smell he knew. It was the one eyed dwarf man. His favorite creature to play games with. He scampered up a tree, and followed the hanging branches to the origin of the smell. He looked into a dark clearing to see the squaty stinky one eyed dwarf man walking around slowly with a torch, looking to the ground. He was looking for something he had lost. This prank was already writing itself. He watched him silently, waiting for the moment to strike.
He huffed and shuffled about, stopping to bend over and poke at a patch of grass, only to mutter a curse.
“Pig balls. It isn't here.”
“Fuck my mother, where is it.”
“Pissing shit.”
But then the planets aligned, and a moment unlike any other presented itself.
The shitty old dwarf stomped in frustration. Dug the torch into the earth, free standing. Then bent over to search the ground carefully with his hands. His dumpy bottom stuck out dangerously close to the torches flame. This was too good. He had never been so happy.
With a cry of near ecstasy Perlavash zipped forward on swift dragon wings to deliver a knock on the head just gentle enough to topped the dwarf, ass first, onto a lit torch.
But right before his cat-thick little whip tail slapped that dwarf in the good eye, the leaves around exploded upward. Dozens of tiny net cords whipped into the air and entangled the mid-flight dragonette. He hit the dirt like a confused sock-hose full of rats.
He looked upward to see the dwarf standing over him, with a rope in his hand. A trip for this trap...He had been waiting for him. Perlavash got very scared and began crying. He wept big shiny dragon tears and wailed like a baby.
The one eyed dwarf man stood over him with a the widest, near weepy grin. A tear of joy glistened in the corner of his yellow eye. Shacken with intense happiness, the dwarf grasped for words but came up with none. He just started with a little jig, and a oddly agile leap of joy, and drew the big sharp axe off his back. He wiped away his tear of joy, smiling like an idiot, axe hefted overhead, and brought it down in a clean precise chop. Perlavash was struck and everything went dark.
When he came about, and tried to open his eyes and breath, he was assaulted with a unworldy smell. He retched. It seemed to fill his nostrils and his eyes. It was all around him. He thrashed and broke out of the net, and soft brown matter filled the air. He was covered in it. Sticky cold brown shit. He looked to see a rope had fallen, and a bag of it had been dumped from above in the trees. A clean axe mark was in the ground where the rope had been fastened. It had all been a careful trap. He had filled an entire potato bag with what appeared to be badger droppings. The worst kind in the forest. Forever sticky. Rotten with meat and garbage. But some of it seemed to be from another larger creature of some kind....
From far off in the forest he could hear the continuous bellowing cackle laughter of the stinky one eyed dwarf man.  

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