Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hargulka's dream

In his dream, their skulls broke apart like so many red messy puffballs.  Human barons and Swordlords, Dwarven mercenaries, Elven archers, Halfing bakers, wandering Gnomes...all were smashed to chunky gibs under his reverberating great club.  And they kept coming to take away his power like the fools that they were.  But Hargulka, King of the South, destroyed all who challenged his reign. 

This was another good dream.

The warty troll grumbled in satisfaction, cheesy toes wiggling pleasurably.  It was not often that he had these good dreams.  His bad dreams had come more frequently as of late.  They echoed out of a nightmare world, deep with the forest, where a strange lilting voice pushed him in desperation to control the Narlmarches and compete the colonizers in the Kamelands.   He didnt like that otherworldy compulsion turning him into a lump on a throne, sending out his trolls to harass logging camps and take tribute from lizardfolk.  He prefered these dreams where he could kill and pillage with his own two clawed hands.  And smash some heads, of course.  That abnormality, Nagrundi, always wanted payment in intact skulls for whatever dark magics it worked.  And Hargulka begrudgingly obliged.  Having a two-headed henchman helped keep the rest of the lot in line.  But it left Hargulka with very few skulls to smash.

Just then, that two-headed stereo voice gurgled through the cave and down into Hargulka's throne room.  His sticky yellow eyes popped open in annoyance, pleasant dream interrupted.   Nagrundi roared once again in anger.  Hargulka idly wondered if one of the troll brutes had got on their bad side again.  He hoped not.  Hargulka needed all the trolls he could gather if he wanted to take over more than a cold rocky Dwarven hole in the the wall. 

Snorting loudly, Hargulka sat up in his chair and grabbed his club.  Maybe he would go talk to Nagrundi about interrupting his sleep.  Or he could just send his number two, Kargadd and go back to snoozing.  After all, as King, Hargulka needed to learn some delegation.  The strange word soured in his drooling tusked mouth.  To the Hells with this boring throne, time for some smashing, thought Hargulka.


  1. My gaming penis is pumping full of epic excitement blood. Unf unf unf unf.

  2. well if it stays like that for more than 4 hours, please seek medical attention.

  3. Ugh, I remember when my gaming penis did that. Had the best game of my life. YOU READY LARRY?
