Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thorian Toredur: My Queen, My Queen

Dearest and most exalted Queen Telandia of Kyonin,

I, Thorain Toredur, your servant and kinfolk write under the blessing and bounty of the newfound Kingdom of Niscera. Little more than a year ago I was a student at Kyonin's illustrious College of Magic without parallel in all the kingdoms of Golarion.  I left dismayed with the stringent magical and social customs of our people, customs which you have endeavored to change. Therefore, I write to you, queen of my people with an opportunity to perpetuate that change.

With a charter given to us by the Sword Lords of Brevoy (whether it was theirs to give or not) we pacified the land of murderous bandits and nefarious mites, we have slain lizard warlords and twisted bear spirits. Now the land lays in our hands, with support from the Sword Lords we have begun to shape the green belt to our visions, and yet it feels empty at it's heart.

This land was once a kingdom of the Elves. Our people walked these plains and forests, crossed it's rivers and streams along side the ancient fey creatures which have called them home for centuries. Niscera begs the return of our kindred. We are a new nation, and would benefit from the wisdom, skill and grace of the elves. In addition, we would benefit from an alliance with Kyonin. These lands are in strife, evil it seems has taken hold to her roots, yet we seek to destroy it. This task is more difficult than it would seem, even with a servant of Iomedae as our figurehead and leader. We need the presence of elves in this fight, long servants of good, and nature.

The people of Niscera are young and nieve, and being so; easily swayed. This is an opportunity for humans to be directed toward the inclinations of the elves, to preserve nature, and not to be at odds with it; we live in the kingdom of Erastil, and I believe would take well to his teachings teachings which our people know well. Furthermore, there is a vast wood known as the Narlmarches where an elvish presence would be welcome. The wood is vast and densely inhabited with Fey and rich in wildlife, in addition to an ancient temple to Erastil which crowns the center of the richly verdant forest.

Lastly, I would address a personal issue. When I left the college at Kyonin it was in dismay, fleeing as a fledgling flees a hungry hawk. I ran blindly through these lands in search of myself. I have found a part of who I am, and discovered that while at odds with our people in some ways (you may inquire with the Arch Mage) I cannot be without my own kind, I am elven, wether others believe so or not. In this vein, I am beginning an academy of magic and would open an invitation to those of Kyonin who wish to study the arts of magic, an art which I have approached from a very different dogma than that of our Kyonin university, they are welcome and need but seek the great sycamore of the Kamelands, a tree which dominates her skyline.

May Calistra avenge our fallen and Desna guide our way.

Your servant,

--Thorain Toredur