Sunday, February 12, 2012

To be out again

It was good to be out in wilds again. The teidius Formalities of "ruling" had started to where on his nerves. If you could call it ruling virtually all his decisions were made for him. What he truly enjoyed was interacting with the people, bringing his faith to them and helping where he could. He was a frustrated that his friends could not see the necessity of having a Temple in town. A place of worship would bring fulfillment and peace to the people of Verdenhal, but alas he was but one of the true ruling party.

It unnerved him that his friends put it so plainly that they would replace him if he should not enforce their edicts. They planned the building of the city, they planned the budget and he was just there to nod his approval. Why do they feel that he is no inept at such things? Why elect him just to be a figure head? With all the work that Kysziem has been doing why not just give him the title. No, he had plead his case an won. They may not listen now but I will continue. He did this for the people and he will continue to do so. They will see in time that his thoughts hold credit, that his plans for the city will bring joy. His rule will be remembered.

The acts of the last few days have put all that in the back of his mind. To be out slaying vile beasts and bringing safety to the land again has relit his fire. To have undone the curse of  Lycanthropy, kill a Worg pack and help a band of Gnome explorer's. Then there was the turtle, poor creature. It was a shame it ended in it's death. The next day will surely bring more worthy foes.

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