Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whispers of Perlavash



Is it another earthquake?




A slimy lump crashed through the stone wall, and quickly stood up.

"Come on boy, therz plenny o'killin' to be done!"

Horrace stood up, shaking off a cloud of ash and god knows what else, before leaping back out the hole he had just made. The air was hazy, and the sounds of battle filled the air. Miezsko looked outside to some sort of twisted nightmare version of Verdenhal. Scores of people lay on the ground, hewn apart or dying. There were many fighting as well though. Squinting down at the battlefield, Miezsko was caught off guard when a sparkling reptilian thing flew past him.

"Hellooo friend, have you seen Tig-titter-tut? We're playing fun games with the dwarf!"

"Yes the dwarf!"

Another Perlavash flew in, giggling and flittering around in the air.


Horrace landed from the sky, cleaving one of the Perlavashes in two. The other one hissed, and flew off towards the battlefield, Horrace in pursuit. Upon closer inspection, everything and everyone fighting below were Horraces and Perlavashes.
In the distance a huge statue of Iomedae animated, and began strolling steadily towards the fray, its huge mouth wearing an expression of horror and anger. Feeling the earth shake again, Miezsko turned around to see an enormous treant, making its way towards the colossus, a wiry elf perched upon its shoulder.

"Give it no quarter! Drive its presence from the land!"

With a roar it surged forward, locking hands with the statue in a titanic power struggle. The robed figure of Gren could be seen atop its crown, a book in one hand, with the other held towards the sky.

Suddenly Miezsko felt a sinister presence behind him, whirling around to see a large tortoise staring him down, holding a sword in its mouth. They both paused, staring each other down, the tortoise sneering with disapproval.


The tortoise bit down hard, snapping the sword in two.



Miezsko started up from his sleep, panting heavily. He looked to his side where the pieces of his broken sword lay strung together. He looked over at Horrace, then to Gren, then to Thorain. No more sleep came to Miezsko this night.