Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The City of Restov

(from the pathfinder wiki)

Restov, population 18,670, is one of the two largest cities in the fertile region of Rostland in southern Brevoy. It is known as the Free City of Restov, but it is allied with Brevoy.

Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius leads the city, which is a trade center that borders the River Kingdoms, the Shrike River, and the Stolen Lands. [1]

The city boasts several Aldori and Taldan dueling schools, which has led to the city being a favored place for young nobles to practice dueling championships.[1] A large amount of Aldori duelists came to the city from Rostland after Choral the Conqueror united Brevoy.[2]

Many firebrands who oppose King Noleski Surtova also hide amongst the taphouses of Restov, raising dissent.

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