Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chartered beginnings...

It is a bitterly cold late Calistril day in the city of Restov when you find yourself approached on a muddy narrow street by man robed in fine furs. He looks to be near his fortieth winter and his soft features show a life of privilege. Flanked by two dour faced city guardsman, you notice he wears upon his chest a silver pin symbol of the Lord Mayor of Restov. Surprising you with knowledge of your name, he invites you to a nearby pub for a talk. His invitation is warm but with a hint of stern authority behind his voice. Within the pub he introduces himself as Morlen Trenn, an administrator to the Lord Mayor. Buying you a warm spiced drink, he produces a parchment scroll bearing the mayoral seal. Breaking the seal he reads the charter aloud to you. Explaining that he has had some word of your prowess and skill, you are perfectly suited for membership in one of four chartered expeditions currently underway to re-open the southern stolen lands to civilization. You are told that you've been specifically selected to receive this charter and that this is a fortuitous opportunity for you. If you accept the charter (there is ominously no mention of what happens if you don't), you are to meet with the other chartered members within the inn of the Old Knight at the end of the month of Gozran. From there you will head south to Oleg's Trading Post at the northern border of the Greenbelt. There begins your expedition and your adventurous future...

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