Sunday, February 12, 2012

To be out again

It was good to be out in wilds again. The teidius Formalities of "ruling" had started to where on his nerves. If you could call it ruling virtually all his decisions were made for him. What he truly enjoyed was interacting with the people, bringing his faith to them and helping where he could. He was a frustrated that his friends could not see the necessity of having a Temple in town. A place of worship would bring fulfillment and peace to the people of Verdenhal, but alas he was but one of the true ruling party.

It unnerved him that his friends put it so plainly that they would replace him if he should not enforce their edicts. They planned the building of the city, they planned the budget and he was just there to nod his approval. Why do they feel that he is no inept at such things? Why elect him just to be a figure head? With all the work that Kysziem has been doing why not just give him the title. No, he had plead his case an won. They may not listen now but I will continue. He did this for the people and he will continue to do so. They will see in time that his thoughts hold credit, that his plans for the city will bring joy. His rule will be remembered.

The acts of the last few days have put all that in the back of his mind. To be out slaying vile beasts and bringing safety to the land again has relit his fire. To have undone the curse of  Lycanthropy, kill a Worg pack and help a band of Gnome explorer's. Then there was the turtle, poor creature. It was a shame it ended in it's death. The next day will surely bring more worthy foes.

Thorain Toradur: Power

Power. The object of desire. My muse, my mother, father and sire. What is this word to which I cling with such fervor? Unelvish. Mortal. A waining thing. I was born in the woods, from a spider's nest. There is no memory before that, no life, a riddle, a painting in white. Once I held the idea so firmly in my hands; as a warrior clings to the hilt of his sword, and yet now, as the world materializes before my whims, it thins into vapor: power: the enigma.
I watched the township grow, into a fledgling. I watched my friends shape the world about us. People flock to Verdenhall like butterflies to a nectar-sweet pool, and I see what Gren seeks, the seat of his power. The seat of the keep. His personal castle. Yet, with a sharpened blade, others watch, Meiszko cuts with words, while Gren fells foes with his axe, an endless battle wages under the guise of peace and heads roll. Is this where true power lies? I search for power in arcane secrets, in knowledge, yet to what purpose? My Gren and Meiszko find power in the ability to inspire others, to lead, to shape not the world, but the people around them. Gren clings to his faith in Iomedae. Meiszko clings to his deceptions. I cling to my staff. Horrace? His axe? His faith? His lies to himself?

I left Kyonin downtrodden, yet I could return a king. I. I. I. The key to power is in this word. I, who fears death. Elves may be immortal, but they too die, by sword, fire and disease. This is why we seek magic. Magic. The gate to power. Power is upon us, it is immanent, as though nothing can stop it.

And then It fades.

What is power in a world where gods may die? What is power when one fears death? What power is knowledge when mystery is infinite? Now that power flows in my words, gestures and thought, all has become ash. True power is the ability to be powerless. What power is rulership without subjects? What power is immortality when immortality it's self is an illusion? What worth is life without death? What power lies in death?

Power is like a mist in my mind. Dissipated, formless and worthless except in it's suggestion. Reminding me to be wary, to wield with care that which I have at my disposal. For should this desire take form in my mind, should I allow it to rule I shall loose that which is most dear. Self. In searching for self, I shall loose myself. Therefore, friends, I look to you, you anchor me to this world and laugh when I fall. Please, should I forget to care for the taste of wine or the scent of oven baked bread, remind me that power is nothing without the joy of knowing that it is ephemeral as time and worthless as sand in the dessert. When I pass from time, I find solace in knowing that none will remember my name.

Horrace: Losing It

...Pharasma is also the goddess of birth and prophecy: from the moment a creature is born, she sees what its ultimate fate will be, but reserves final judgment until that soul finally stands before her...” - The Bones Land in a Spiral.

The soft sounds of slumber and the crackle of the last dying embers of the small camp fire drowned out the near silent movement of the stout figure from his sleeping companions. He weaved through the trees until he was out of earshot. Losing composure he began to stumble and crack his head against low hanging branches, to which he would mutter a moist curse. He wanted to go further but simply couldn't. He fell to his hands and knees. Coughing and wheezing, he began to gag and emptied the meager contents of his stomach. It was hard to tell in the dark, but he was pretty sure there was blood in it. Horrace was sick. Again.

It had happened a few times over the past few years at an increasing rate. It was always a burden to have to sneak away from his traveling fellows, but he felt pathetic enough being a grotesque. It was starting to get serious, and despite his devout study of medicine and health, he had no idea what was happening. The best guess he had was that his twisted body was simply getting worse. Ribs were no doubt starting to grow into the lining of his intestines and stomach, causing internal bleeding when he moved too much. Not an easy thing to avoid for a warrior. Or maybe it was just the curse everyone told him he was born with trying to finish the job. All he knew is that the only thing that seemed to help was the magical healing his glorious goddess gave him. But not the standard clerical healing magic. Only the wave of healing energy that came over him when he drove a soul from it's body. It had been a while since they had battled anything human-like. It seemed to be the only kind of soul that worked.

He crawled slowly towards the sounds of running water until he found a wide but shallow creek nearby. He plopped down onto his belly, wincing in agony, and buried his head under the water. It remained there for some time. His body lie perfectly still. All the insects and tiny fish that found a home in the stream seemed to move away. But they all seemed to be watching. At last his head recoiled and began hacking out cold water and blood. He wasn't sure if he had just tried to kill himself, or if he was simply hallucinating. Either way, it hadn't helped his condition much.

He lay there, shivering at the pain coiling up inside him, like he was full of wood splinters and hot mush. He wasn't sure how long he had even been wandering in the woods now. If you had asked him he couldn't have told you the names of those he rode with. He didn't even know who or what he was. He just stared in horror at his reflection in the water. A heavy sloped brow, a crooked squash-like nose, a massive under-bite with brown and yellow teeth popping up, a tick matted beard that hung in clumps, and one empty festering eye socket. He didn't understand why there were so many piercings on his head. Why he had black spirals inked into his skin on his forehead and around his neck. He closed his eye and seized for a few moments. His body convulsed, and his mouth foamed. The overwhelming pain shook him down to his soul.

As he awoke again moments later he began to recognize the things around him. He looked at the dark spiral on his brow intently. It was a perfect pattern, wrapping in on itself. It seemed to pull him in. He could see so much in it. A pillar of bones, a giant tower pyre piercing through the dimensions like a lance surrounded by lost souls. He felt the eyes of his Goddess upon him. She knew him completely. He had always told himself that Pharasma needed him to do what she could not. Kill the wicked, so she could judge them. It was not how her other followers acted. It was against their teachings, but he could not ignore her presence in his life. He had to be doing something right, or she wouldn't grant him her powers. That was how it worked, wasn't it? He looked upon her beautiful face, but saw nothing but confusion. Even she didn't know what to make of him. But she was trying, and that is what mattered.

He slowly got to his feet, and found his balance. Using his heavy axe handle as a walking stick, he quietly made his way back into the camp. They were still sleeping. It must not have been as long as it felt. He sat down on a stone, masking stoically the pain growing inside himself. Looking out on these sleeping men, he thought to himself, these are strong boys. More or less pure of spirit. What kind of power and healing would come from giving their souls to Pharamsa? He began weighing the pain inside versus the virtue of the men he had been helping thus far. The elf woke up and looked at him in confusion. They were always light sleepers.

...Horrace? You alright? You were gone a moment ago.”

Horrace stared into his two bright almond eyes with his one piercing green. Thorain could clearly sense some kind of turmoil brewing in his friend, and it made him gulp in concern. Horrace did not answer, but simply stared.

Whispers of Perlavash



Is it another earthquake?




A slimy lump crashed through the stone wall, and quickly stood up.

"Come on boy, therz plenny o'killin' to be done!"

Horrace stood up, shaking off a cloud of ash and god knows what else, before leaping back out the hole he had just made. The air was hazy, and the sounds of battle filled the air. Miezsko looked outside to some sort of twisted nightmare version of Verdenhal. Scores of people lay on the ground, hewn apart or dying. There were many fighting as well though. Squinting down at the battlefield, Miezsko was caught off guard when a sparkling reptilian thing flew past him.

"Hellooo friend, have you seen Tig-titter-tut? We're playing fun games with the dwarf!"

"Yes the dwarf!"

Another Perlavash flew in, giggling and flittering around in the air.


Horrace landed from the sky, cleaving one of the Perlavashes in two. The other one hissed, and flew off towards the battlefield, Horrace in pursuit. Upon closer inspection, everything and everyone fighting below were Horraces and Perlavashes.
In the distance a huge statue of Iomedae animated, and began strolling steadily towards the fray, its huge mouth wearing an expression of horror and anger. Feeling the earth shake again, Miezsko turned around to see an enormous treant, making its way towards the colossus, a wiry elf perched upon its shoulder.

"Give it no quarter! Drive its presence from the land!"

With a roar it surged forward, locking hands with the statue in a titanic power struggle. The robed figure of Gren could be seen atop its crown, a book in one hand, with the other held towards the sky.

Suddenly Miezsko felt a sinister presence behind him, whirling around to see a large tortoise staring him down, holding a sword in its mouth. They both paused, staring each other down, the tortoise sneering with disapproval.


The tortoise bit down hard, snapping the sword in two.



Miezsko started up from his sleep, panting heavily. He looked to his side where the pieces of his broken sword lay strung together. He looked over at Horrace, then to Gren, then to Thorain. No more sleep came to Miezsko this night.