Monday, December 12, 2011

In her name

The robed figure walked towards the small group.
Please take this.
Huh? What is this?
Why its an invitation.

Do you find yourself being looked down upon? Do find it hard to make a living do to the prejudice of others? Would you like to make a new start in a land opportunity and acceptance?

Then rejoice for Iomedae has answered your prayer's
The Green belt holds the promise of a new start. This can be your chance to live in a land of equality and justice. Where the meek are NOT oppressed by the wealthy. A land where you are not judged by your appearance but by the merit of your heart.

Let this be your chance to live a life worth living.
Sincerely acting Arch Bishop of the Green belt
Gren Lorkev

And so it was from Restov to Port Ice. Town criers sang his word, and his fliers were in every corner of every city.

It has began, my invitation to the downtrodden and neglected of Brevoy has been sent. It cost me no small amount of coin but it will be worth it. I made especially that my half breed brethren were to receive my call for a better life. At first I thought that reaching out to the other Church's of Brevoy for help might not work, but they were quite eager. I fear that it was for the wrong reasons though, at first they were hesitant but when I said that it was the poor and the half-breed that I truly wanted to reach they were quite happy to help. For a price, it seems that every thing has its price. Even helping those less fortunate.

On a happier not I have purchased a statue of Iomedae. It took me some time to find a artisan of such worthy talent and heart. I've also been able to secure food and lodging for the pilgrims of Brevoy. It may be tents and bread but from this shanty town we will create a Nation of hope. Oleg was instrumental in this, he could have a great future ahead of him. In addition to the dozens of smaller tents I've also purchased three grand pavilion tents. One will function as a temporary Church for my new found flock and the other to will be a Mess hall a Hospice for those sick an injured who arrive. It has cost me a small fortune but it is all in place now. Oh this is a truly great time! To be filled with such a purpose is a blessing.

Between the planing, the securing of provisions and the talks with my compatriots I've nary had a moment to sleep. As I thought kysziem is going to make a play for King. For all Kysziems charm and quick wits I sense a vain self serving individual. I will do my best that the people see what's in their best interest. I trust that Iomedae will see the truly worthy to head this fledgling nation.

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