Sunday, March 18, 2012


It had been months since Horrace felt so alive.

His pain was receding. His spirit was soaring. And it was all thanks to the glorious battle waged on the lizardfolk village. His friends were bloodied and bruised, as was he, yet this was his highest moment. He felt alive. He felt immortal. Hells, he even felt normal. The souls of the fallen beasts coursed though his own. They made him feel complete. Was this an addiction? Or was it just the true path his Goddess has put before him? Either way, it was all he knew at this time, and was all he desired.

While his wounds began to close as he moved from corpse to corpse, cutting the lifeline between head and shoulders, he heard the sound of combat break out from within a nearby hut. A crooked smile spread across his face as he hefted his bloodied axe and shuffled off quickly towards the action. A bystander might confess to have seen a skip and a dance in his movement.

Even the Gods weren't sure what to do with Horrace.


That filthy rat-asshole bard. He had caused way more trouble than I thought possible, but luckily nothing too permanent. It was quite the war of words, though I have to admit I was having a little more fun than I maybe should have. I am still concerned with the bard's origin. Though he seemed to have no allegiance towards the country he hailed from, I still wonder if he was acting on behalf of another party, displeased with our course. Time will tell I suppose.
Things are going very well otherwise, and I am quite pleased by the growth our city is beginning to show. I think within the next near we may even be able to establish a bustling waterfront, and really launch our economy. We have dispersed a tribe of lizard-folk living nearby, which I think will make things easier for us in the long run, but there is another matter pressing my mind now. That of the strange glowing fey we encountered, and the purpose of the strange keep we passed by...